Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jimmy Moore's 'Help The Teachers' Challenge To Low-Carb Supporters

Here's your chance to help some truly needy kids and teachers

Earlier today, I was being interviewed by a New York University science journalism graduate student who is writing an article about the impact of people who are trying to shape the debate within the realm of health and nutrition and she asked me all sorts of questions about the work I am doing online. I especially remember her asking me a rather loaded question that goes much deeper than the two-minute response I gave her.

Here's what she asked:

"Why did you decide to start a blog?"

The context of that question was, of course, referring to the subject of promoting the low-carb lifestyle in our culture, but in retrospect I believe the answer runs much deeper than that to something that means a lot more than getting people to go on a low-carb diet. It's about wanting to make a genuine and lasting difference in the lives of other people.

With literally thousands upon thousands of visitors coming here to my "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog each and every day (THANK YOU!), I have been privileged to be the inspiration, motivation, and catalyst for seeing some truly remarkable changes in so many of you that I could go on for days, weeks, and months talking about all of you who have shared your incredible stories with me about how this blog has positively impacted your life.

What a blessing it is time and time again as you pour out your innermost feelings to me in e-mails and comments. It never gets old and my dear wife Christine keeps every single one of them in a scrapbook for me to look at so we can show our grandkids someday what a difference one person can make when they dedicate themselves to something greater than themselves.

And that's what I want to talk to you about today. Livin' la vida low-carb is my catchy little phrase for talking about this amazingly healthy and permanent lifestyle change that has rocked my world for the past four years. Yes, it's about weight loss and health first and foremost, but there's another component to it as well. To me, it's also about giving back to the community with our time and resources.

People are always asking me why I devote so many long hours (most of the time, it's about 14-16 hours a day) to the various projects I engage in and the answer is simple: I've been given an incredible miracle in my life thanks to the Atkins diet, so the least I can do is give my very best effort to help as many people as possible find their pathway to a healthier, better life, too. And that's what drives me.

To that end, I want to share with you an unbelievable opportunity for YOU to make a real difference in the life of some underprivileged children and the courageous teachers who have been entrusted to work with them as they are growing up. To me, teachers are the REAL heroes in the United States, right alongside policemen, firemen, and the men and women who comprise the armed forces of this great country we live in. is making a difference in the lives of kids across America

There's an organization called that encourages teachers who have some legitimate financial needs to share those on their web site to give individuals like you and me the opportunity to fill those needs. It's an amazing concept that I'm so happy to not just share with you today, but to also give you the opportunity to become a part of.

I've created my own challenge to the readers of this blog called "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Help The Teachers Challenge" and I've set a respectable goal that I think we can reach if everyone does what they can--$10,000. Just $1 from every person who visits here in a month would net a quick $200,000, so this goal should be a cinch if we all make even a nominal contribution.

You'll notice on my challenge page at that there is a list of proposals I have provided in this challenge that fit within the mission of what I do--educating, encouraging, and inspiring others to live healthier than they ever though possible. Please browse through those for yourself to get an idea of what your dollars will be invested in.

This is a very worthy cause that will make you feel good about your decision to take back control of your weight and health while passing on and instilling those same values into the future generations so they won't struggle with the same problems we did growing up and into adulthood. Education is the key as we move forward with spreading the message of healthy living to our most precious commodity--our kids!

Wanna be a part of my "Help The Teachers" challenge? Here's how:

1. Go to the challenge web site.
2. Take a look at the various proposals I have chosen for this challenge.
3. Think and pray about what you can donate towards the challenge.
4. Click on the "Fund Now!" link to your favorite proposal.
5. Feel good that you made a lasting difference in the life of a child.

Are you ready to pay it forward for all the amazing improvements you have seen in your own weight and health as a result of your low-carb lifestyle? Then why not join me in the "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Help The Teachers Challenge" and share just a small token of your appreciation with some students and teachers who could really use a hand of compassion now more than ever. THANK YOU for participating in this challenge!

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Blogger lisa32989 said...

Hey Jimmy
I finally got in!

I'm a teacher who works in a low-income area with many children who live in poverty and I just wanted to thank you for your "Help the Teachers" challenge.

Now, if we could just figure out a way to get them to stop feeding these kids crap! My preschoolers get breakfast and lunch (or lunch and a snack) while at HeadStart.

Here is a sample of what they're eating for breakfast:
-Pancakes, margarine, syrup (white flour, hydrogenated oil, HFCS),
orange/pineapple juice (sugar)
-Generic apple jacks, milk, grape juice
-unsweetened cream of wheat served with margarine & milk & orange juice ( I never understand the unsweetened cereal in the same week we serve pancakes and syrup)
-boiled eggs (the best choice of the week) served with a whole, unwashed apple (with the little labels still on), mini bagels, and cream cheese, milk

So, we feed these children this kind of "food" every day and wonder why there is so much obesity in poverty-stricken areas! It makes me sick. I won't even comment on the behavior these children exhibit in school.

The staff are supposed to eat with the children. I refuse to let them poison me with their white flour, hydrogenated oil, High Fructose corn syrup, and sugars.
You can imagine the lunch and snack menus are similarly loaded with the worst "food" they can find. Even the government (yeah, I trust THOSE guys with my health!) says most of that stuff is bad for us!

We can provide all the education & resources we want, but if we feed them food that makes them feel like crap, how do we expect them to learn & be able to climb out of poverty?

Lisa in St Louis

10/06/2007 11:37 AM  

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