Saturday, June 11, 2005

Mad Cow Scare Should Not Keep You From Eating Beef

This Reuters story about a new mad cow disease scare should not keep you from eating beef, epecially if you are following a low-carb lifestyle.

The animal suspected of having the disease is currently being tested by the USDA. Top officials with the USDA do not believe this will have an effect on U.S. beef sales.

Oh, but it does, it has and it will. While 99.999999% of all beef in American is completely safe for consumption, it's reporting like this that causes such an uproar among the misinformed that they stop eating beef completely. How foolish.

It's kinda like all those people who don't fly anymore because of what happened on September 11th. Nevermind the fact that flying is one of the safest methods of traveling there is. But the reports about airline safety that you constantly hear about in the news keeps many from flying.

The same goes for beef. It is a great-tasting food you can eat lots of while you are livin' la vida low-carb. You do not have to restrict yourself on this one bit. Millions of people are able to enjoy delicious bites of steak and hamburgers while shedding excessive pounds. It's what helped me lose 180 pounds, too!

But there are those who oppose anything and everything that has to do with meat (can you say PETA? I call them "People Eating Tasty Animals!") that they will glorify stories like this to push their radical agenda forward. They absolutely loathe the low-carb lifestyle, although there are many low-carbers who eat little to no meat at all. Facts like this don't serve their purpose of dictating what they want to happen, though. Sigh.

Officials with the USDA were hopeful that the retesting of the animal in question will relieve concerns about the beef exported to other countries. Lord only knows the beef industry has enough enemies at home trying to destroy them! How about celebrating beef today by going out to your favorite restaurant and ordering the biggest, juiciest, most tender beef menu item you can sink your teeth into? Might I suggest this? Enjoy!


Blogger Jimmy Moore said...

Yo Adam, I'll take three of them burgers please, cooked medium well, with 2 slices of American cheese and bacon on top. Put some Kraft mayonaisse on the side and we're talking a great meal, baby! I can smell that beef flesh cooking now!

6/11/2005 9:11 PM  
Blogger Jimmy Moore said...

Yo Adam, I'll take three of them burgers please, cooked medium well, with 2 slices of American cheese and bacon on top. Put some Kraft mayonaisse on the side and we're talking a great meal, baby! I can smell that beef flesh cooking now!

6/11/2005 9:11 PM  
Blogger Jimmy Moore said...

Yo Adam, I'll take three of them burgers please, cooked medium well, with 2 slices of American cheese and bacon on top. Put some Kraft mayonaisse on the side and we're talking a great meal, baby! I can smell that beef flesh cooking now!

6/11/2005 9:11 PM  

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