Thursday, August 11, 2005

Health24's 'Fact Sheet' Lies About The Atkins Diet

The South African-based web site posted "what research shows" about the Atkins diet based on the findings of their "DietDoc" and I really shouldn't be surprised by her results.

Dr. Ingrid van Heerden, knowns as Health24's DietDoc, looked at how the various diets based on high-protein, high-fat and very low-carb fared for weight loss and overall health. The "fact sheet" she came up with is just chock full of so many lies and distortions that I'm here to set the record straight. We'll deal with them one-by-one:

1. The large amounts of protein and animal fat in this diet are, however, potentially harmful to health, which is why South African dieticians are concerned about its use.

Actually, recent studies found that adding more protein to your diet is good for your bone health and that eating protein is actually the secret to low-carb success. As for fat, it is essential to any successful low-carb program. Mixing a low-carb diet with a low-fat diet, as suggested by obesity experts, is a lethal combination that will lead to frustration and eventually weight gain.

2. People who lose weight on the Atkins diet simply cut their calories and only lose water weight.

I eat a lot of food even to this day. I've never counted a calorie even once since I started livin' la vida low-carb. I know calories count, but I haven't stressed over making sure I'm getting a certain amount in my body every single day. That's another great thing about the low-carb lifestyle. Just keep up with your carb intake and everything else takes care of itself. If I'm cutting my calories, then at least I'm able to enjoy lots of delicious foods along this path to permanent weight control. Why are people so jealous of those of us who choose this way of eating? As for water weight, did I lose 180 pounds of water? LOL!

3. Does the Atkins Diet result in permanent weight loss? No, it does not.

Gee, that's interesting. They cite studies that claimed the majority of low-carb dieters regained most of the weight they had initially lost after one year. Therefore, this story concludes the Atkins diet is "not a permanent solution to obesity." What a crock of you know what! I lost about 70 pounds in the first two months on my low-carb plan and I have certainly kept that weight off for about a year and a half. This business that low-carb does not guarantee permanent weight loss if followed correctly is just a farce. Predictably, the article states that a lifestyle change to a "low-fat, high-fiber" diet with "plenty of fruit and vegetables, unprocessed grains and cereals, and legumes, and to exercise regularly" will result in weight loss, improvements in health and prevention of disease. Yeah, but how long can you put up with being hungry all the time with such limited food choices that the low-fat diet offers? Been there, done that way too many times to count and it didn't work for me.

4. Is the Atkins Diet easy to stick to? No, it is not.

If you are having trouble on the Atkins diet or any other low-carb plan, then you will not succeed on ANY diet. If God created anything more simple than a low-carb lifestyle as a way to control your weight, then I haven't seen it! This story notes that 43 percent of low-carb dieters dropped out before they lost their weight. Turn that around and that shows that a whopping 57 percent DID stay on the diet and lose lots and lots of weight. That should be heralded for all the world to see. The article also says that many low-carbers also "cheated" on their diet. Well, duh? So did I many times. Some of us need to plan splurges to help us keep on keepin' on. The key is to get back on the program right after these moments.

5. Does the Atkins Diet improve blood fat levels and protect against heart disease? We can’t really say with conviction if it does, or not.

We caught them! Their stumbling over this one proves that they know livin' la vida low-carb does miraculous things to the body in regards to heart heath, cholesterol and more. They can say with "conviction" because they know it is true! Granted, more long-term studies will be needed to confirm this, but I can't wait for that day in ten or twenty years from now when the headline reads, "Ooops! Dr. Atkins was right after all!" I'll be grinning from ear to ear that day!

6. Is the Atkins Diet harmful? We don’t know yet.

Well, if you "don't know yet" then why in the *#%@$ are you trashing it like it is the plague?! This is what gets me about these critics of the Atkins diet and other low-carb programs. They love to tell us how awful they are, but they can't back it up conclusively based on significant scientific data. Worse yet, they ignore all the positive studies that show how great these programs are for people suffering with obesity. I would suggest they keep their mouths shut until they can be objective about the subject or share firsthand their experience. Otherwise, why should we believe anything else they say?

7. The dehydrating effect of such diets can be particularly harmful to athletes if they exercise strenuously while cutting out carbohydrates completely.

Well, first of all, a low-carb lifestyle does not include "cutting out carbohydrates completely." That's a big fat lie perpetrated by Atkins haters so many times that people still believe it. It's just not true. As for athletes, a recent study found that more and more of them are turning to livin' la vida low-carb to help them get into shape. If they're getting dehydrated, then they need to drink more water. Exercise will NOT harm you while you are on a low-carb plan.

8. You have to take vitamins to supplement your diet.

Well, yeah. What's wrong with that? I take many vitamins every single day. How many people who are walking around overweight or obese do you think take supplementations? I would contend close to NONE! So that fact that a low-carber is taking the vital nutrients should be of no concern to anyone but that person. The insinuation is that taking vitamins are bad and you should be ashamed for taking them. I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.

9. Atkins and other high-protein, high-fat diets are not ‘magic’ solutions to permanent weight loss.

Nobody said they were magic. All we are saying is they work for helping lots and lots of people lose weight for good. If you stick with your low-carb plan, you can and will lose weight and keep it off. That's what has happened for me.

There will be those who will want to discourage you from continuing on with your low-carb lifestyle. Don't let them deter you from your ultimate prize of permanent weight loss that you can be proud of for the rest of your life.


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