Thursday, September 01, 2005

Help With 'Blog For Relief Day' To Benefit Hurricane Victims

The complete and utter devastation that is taking place in New Orleans, Mississippi and all along the Gulf Coast is simply tragic. Without a doubt this is the most horrendous natural disaster that has taken place in the history of the United States. Those poor people undoubtedly feel helpless and hopeless as many of them have literally lost everything because of Hurricane Katrina.

Because of that, blogs all across the blogosphere today have dubbed September 1, 2005 the national "Blog For Relief Day" to support the victims of the hurricane.

The number one thing that is needed at this point is CASH. Most people probably think that sending essential items such as diapers, clothes, food, etc. would be needed more, but it is easier for relief organizations to take the money they collect and purchase EXACTLY what is needed so it can be put to the best use. And they need the money NOW!

I would like to challenge the readers of "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" to consider making a donation to the Hurricane Katrina Relief efforts. We are a blessed nation and should rally around those who are in the most need at this point. Reach down deep and give out of the concern in your heart for every man, woman, and child effected by this.

Although most people, including President George W. Bush, are asking people to donate to the Red Cross, here is a list of other charitable organizations you might consider as well.

A 20-year old girl from my church was going to Loyola in New Orleans and lost everything. The major Baptist seminary in New Orleans is gone with all of those future pastors and church leaders without a place to get their education. This was not a minor event people will just get over in a few days, weeks or months. These people's lives have been turned upside down and shredded. Can't we do our part to help them restore a sense of normalcy again? THANKS so much for your generosity!

Here is a list of the blogs participating in "Blog For Relief Day" today.


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