Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Weight Loss Doctors May Do More Harm Than Good

This Minneapolis, Minnesota-based WCCO-TV story about the dangers of so-called weight loss medical "experts" should cause people who desire to shed a few extra pounds to be very careful about the opinions and advice provided to them by professionals pretending to specialize in bariatrics.

As more and more people attempt to get their weight under control, weight loss specialists are becoming increasingly popular. Unfortunately, though, not too many physicians specialize in treating obesity in medical school and have to supplement their medical training with additional classes and seminars on dealing with people who are overweight or obese.

Currently there are about 2,500 doctors who specialize in weight loss, but there is no board certification or other requirements for being classified as such. This can put the patient in danger of receiving poor advice or misinformation about what to do about their weight.

One expert quoted in the story said there needs to be doctors who are experienced working with people about getting their weight under control naturally rather than the usual plan of action which includes prescribing risky appetite suppressants and other dangerous drugs. The side effects of these drugs can be more devastating than the patient's weight problem.

Before I started livin' la vida low-carb, I spoke with my doctor about it. He didn't put me on the Atkins diet, but I informed him what I was doing so he could monitor my health. Needless to say, after the fact he is quite pleased with the results and is now actually recommending people get on a low-carb program to help with blood pressure, cholesterol and obesity issues. Isn't that a hoot?!

With two out of every three Americans suffering with a weight problem, this is a prime opportunity for the future doctors of tomorrow who care about the health and well-being of public health to begin educating themselves about the various ways to tackle this obesity problem. They should look at the role of fat, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, and more to see how each of them relate to a healthy lifestyle.

The solutions for permanent weight loss and weight maintenance will vary from person to person and a good diet doctor will recognize that with their patients. One method of weight loss that works great for one person may not necessarily work well with the next. But the key is to find what does work and heavily promote that program to the person as a permanent lifestyle change.

I will say it loud and clear just in case I am ever misinterpreted: LOW-CARB IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! While it certainly worked beautifully for me to help me shed over 180 pounds, I know it may not work for others.

With that said, though, if you have struggled with your weight and tried virtually everything EXCEPT for low-carb, then it may be the weight loss answer you have been looking for. It changed my life forever and could yours as well.

Don't put your confidence in a doctor who may or may not give you the best advice about what to do about your weight. No doubt most of them will recommend a diet low in calories, fat and small portions with 30-60 minutes of daily exercise. That may not be your lot in life because I know there is a better way in livin' la vida low-carb! Try it today!


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