'Carb-Less In Seattle' Adds Real Variety To Low-Carb Cooking

The "Carb-Less In Seattle" cookbook was created by Carylton Cooper
People are always asking me about where they can find some good low-carb recipes and wonder where they are in my book
A few prominent names come to mind when I think of low-carb cooking:
Dana Carpender, the Queendaddy of them all has sold millions upon millions upon millions of her excellent low-carb books lighting up the sales charts, including her latest book 200 Low-Carb Slow Cooker Recipes: Healthy Dinners That Are Ready When You Are!
She is an inspiration to us all by the success she has been able to acheive as an outspoken voice in the low-carb community.
Jan McCracken is another one to add to that list of great low-carb cooks. Her latest book Healthy Carb Cooking For Dummies
You won't find a nicer lady in the world than Jan either! I was so thrilled to have the opportunity to meet her when I was at the CarbSmart store in Huntington Beach, California last month as part of my book tour. Jan has a genuine sense of joy about life and low-carb that you cannot manufacture if you tried. She's a natural and an excellent cook as well.
Let's add another name to the list of great low-carb cooking authors: Carylton Cooper.
She is one busy lady. Every time I contacted her regarding her new cookbook "Carb-Less In Seattle" she was busy inventing something new in her infamous test kitchen! LOL! I'm sure the Cooper household has sweet aromas of low-carb goodness flowing through it 24/7/365! That should make her husband "Sweety" a very happy man.
The cookbook itself is rather unique because it is in a spiral-bound notebook rather than the traditional "book" that makes cooking more difficult when you are trying to hold an egg in one hand while your elbow holds your place in the cookbook and then you are stirring with your free hand while using a pen in your mouth to turn the page (have ya been there before?! LOL!).
One of the main oppositions to livin' la vida low-carb is that it is boring. Apparently somebody forgot to tell Carylton Cooper this because none of her recipes look unexciting in the least. The only problem is figuring out which one to try first!
If the Strawberry Rhubarb Cheesecake Torte on the front cover of the book doesn't capture your attention, then you must not have a pulse! And that's just the beginning.
Do you like bread? Check out this recipe for Basic Bread:

Doesn't that look good for less than 6g carbs per slice!
Or how about less than 5g carbs for these Chocolate Chunk Cookies:

Mmmmmm. I'm getting a sweet tooth just thinking about these recipes.
And Carylton throws in a dash or two of her personality in between the recipes so you will never get tired of reading this cookbook. Unlike some cookbooks which are about as thrilling to read as the phone book, this one will have you coming back again and again as you find those recipes that will complement your low-carb program perfectly.
Do you like tortellini? Then you have to scarf down of these 9-carb Raviolinis:

Like exotic foods? Try some zucchini pancakes with only 4g of net carbs:

I could literally go on and on through the hundreds of recipes Carylton Cooper offers you in this fine low-carb cookbook. You'll just have to order one for yourself to enjoy all the awesome recipes she comes up with to help you stay enchanted on your low-carb lifestyle.
All this for just $20. What a deal!
Click here to order and tell Carylton Cooper that "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Man" Jimmy Moore sent you!
She'll probably be cooking something up in the kitchen when you order and don't be surprised if you get a personal response from the cook herself. She's just that kinda gal!
12-5-05 UPDATE: Carylton Cooper was so appreciative of my review that she decided to share a BRAND NEW LOW-CARB RECIPE exclusively for the readers of my "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog. Here it is:
Low-Carb Porridge Oats
This is just like the real steel cut oats it seems to me and half the effort.
3 T oat bran
2 T ground flax seeds
1/4 cup sugar free syrup (caramel, toffee, maple or fruit flavored)
1/4 cup cream
1/2 cup water
1 packet sweetener
Total carbohydrate count is 14.9 but worth it.
Mix and warm in the microwave on medium heat and finish with a minute on full power. Stir, and then add as much extra water as you want to get it to the right consistency-- this is pretty thick.
I hope it brings you much pleasure during the Christmas holiday season!
THANKS so much, Carylton! I'm not a big hot cereal eater, but this recipe sounds yummy! I'm sure my readers will be happy to try it sometime soon. :)
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