A Shirataki Recipe To Inspire Your Creativity

Low-carb recipe blogger Kalyn Denny created this shirataki dish
Now that more and more people are finding out about shirataki, it seems everyone is dying to get their hands on recipes to use these fantastically low-carb noodles in! A very good friend of this blog is none other than Kalyn Denny from Kalyn's Kitchen blog. Kalyn is a South Beach diet success story and shares many scrumptuous low-carb recipes with her readers all the time. Be sure to check out Kalyn's Kitchen often for some really excellent recipes to enjoy when you are livin' la vida low-carb.
However, although she has great prowess cooking low-carb, Kalyn is relatively new to the shirataki bandwagon. But she's VERY good at coming up with recipes quickly that will blow you away and she has done just that with her Shiritaki Noodles with Veggies and Peanut Sauce recipe that I am going to share with you today.
You will DEFINITELY want to try this recipe for yourself:
8 oz. package Shiritaki Noodles
1/2 red pepper, seeds cut out and cut in slivers
1 cup snow peas, cut in diagonal slices
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup natural peanut butter (be sure to check the label to make sure it does not contain sugar)
1 1/2 tsp. dark sesame oil
1 tsp. Asian Chile Garlic Sauce (or use a small amount of your favorite hot sauce)
2 T coarsely chopped peanuts
Chopped fresh cilantro
Mmmm, sounds good already doesn't it? Well, hop on over to Kalyn's blog to find out how to make it! Go ahead and click here to check it out. I'll be waiting for you here when you come back. Go on...(doo doo doo doo, doo doo doooooo, doo doo doo doo doot, da doo (JEOPARDY theme song) da doo da, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo, doot da doot doot doot...doot...doot, bong bong!)
Hey, are you back yet? Good. Isn't that a super duper dippity recipe from Kalyn. I absolutely LOVE Kalyn's recipes and I encourage you to keep going back to her blog daily for some of the best low-carb recipes on the Internet today. THANK YOU, Kalyn!
You might have noticed that Kalyn made an interesting observation about the shirataki noodles: they're good for Asian recipes, but not necessarily as good as Dreamfields for Italian recipes unless you are severely restricting your carbs during the weight loss phases of low-carb.
"I liked these noodles quite a bit and would use them again, especially for an Asian noodle dish like the one I made here. I plan to try them again in a pan-fried noodle dish soon. They would be fantastic in Asian noodle soups too. For Italian pasta, I will probably stick with Dreamfields, but if you're eating less carbs, or simply want to limit calories, these are a healthy and tasty alternative to traditional noodles."
I've enjoyed eating shirataki noodles with spaghetti sauce and cheese melted on top, but Kalyn's right. Unless you are still losing weight, Dreamfields is the better-tasting choice for Italian. But you can't beat the carb count in shirataki noodles, can you?
Kalyn also alluded to a "recipe contest" at her blog using shirataki noodles. We discussed the idea a few weeks ago and now I'm about ready to announce the contest details. Stay tuned for more information coming Thursday night with details about how you will have an opportunity to win a FREE THREE-MONTH SUPPLY OF SHIRATAKI NOODLES for submitting the best shirataki noodle recipe as well as three runner-up prizes of a FREE WEEK'S SUPPLY OF SHIRATAKI NOODLES.
Konjac Foods has already jumped on board submitting the prizes for the contest and I'm in negotiations with House Foods to join the contest as well. Come back to the "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog on Thursday night or Friday when the big announcement about the shirataki recipe contest is made for your chance to be a BIG WINNER of these amazing diet noodles!
So get your creative thinking caps on and come up with those recipes. You can use either the Konjac or House Foods shirataki noodles for your recipes and you will be able to submit as many recipes as you wish.
Just recieved my order of Shirataki noodles and had to put in my 2 cents. I mixed them with peppers,onions and salmon and covered with alfredo sauce. A really excellant way to stretch a meal with out a lot of carbs! The texture reminds me more of noodles than it does pasta which is great since I really missed my tuna noodle casseroles! I bought 2 cases from anasuper.com and saved $30.00 over amazon and other low carb sites. If anyone is interested it can't be frozen but can be refrigerated for 6 months.
Jimmy, someone somewhere on the internet is writing about Shiritaki noodles and linking to us because I'm suddenly getting lots of referrers from this post! I guess you never know when you write something when it will suddenly take off.
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