Aussie Low-Carb Diet Is 'Total' Package

The Total Wellbeing Diet
When a senior dietician and nutrition research scientist working for the government in Australia set out to discover an eating plan that would not only satisfy the need for weight loss, but do it in the most effective manner possible, little did she know her ideas would become a bestselling book that would light a fire under the overweight and obese in that country and around the world.
But that's exactly what happened to Dr. Manny Noakes from the CSIRO Human Nutrition in Australia when she put in literally hours upon hours of study on the effects of foods, diets, supplements and prescription drugs on both metabolism and health. The results of that research would later become a runaway bestselling book entitled The Total Wellbeing Diet
Co-written by Dr. Peter Clifton, another nutrition scientist from CSIRO and a practicing endocrinologist, this book curiously avoids using the term "low-carb" to describe itself in favor of the much more chic "low-calorie, high-protein, low-fat" diet. But once you look closely at the plan, you immediately notice that the principles of livin' la vida low-carb are definitely still there.
The central focus of The Total Wellbeing Diet
Additionally, when you are on The Total Wellbeing Diet
Oh yeah, don't think you're getting out of exercising with The Total Wellbeing Diet
The Total Wellbeing Diet
Also, for all you cooking wonks out there, you will be pleased to know that half of the book is, in essence, a cookbook with over 100 simple low-carb recipes utilizing mostly Mediterranean and Asian foods that will satisfy your tastebuds with great-tasting food while helping you become that slim and trim person you desire to be.
My favorite part of the book is all of the vibrant and colorful pictures of happy and healthy people as well as delicious-looking foods. This is a book you could cozy up to while sitting in the hot tub refreshing yourself from that exhausting walk on the treadmill. Allow the very clear message of The Total Wellbeing Diet
I do have a few points of contention about this book, though. Dr. Noakes recommends people drink about 2 glasses of wine each week, although I would never do that because I do not drink alcohol even in moderation. She also focuses heavily on the message of eating low-fat along with the low-carb, high-protein diet and that can lead to some problems if fat is reduced too much from the diet. Also, I find it curious that "low-carb" was nixed from any mention on the book cover and in the marketing pieces about the book, but "low-fat" was used instead to make it allegedly "nutritionally balanced."
Well, if it's truly low-fat, or 15-20 percent of calories from fat, then how can it be "balanced?" The Total Wellbeing Diet
At any rate, Dr. Noakes and Dr. Clifton must be doing something right if the so-called health "experts" are heavily criticizing them and their diet plan for being "unbalanced." Oh, that's just too funny because that is one area that the authors went out of their way to insure. The Total Wellbeing Diet
For that reason I cannot help but praise this book which yet again proves the low-carb lifestyle is still very much alive and well in 2006! Those of us who cherish this way of eating because it has already helped us overcome our weight problem (I lost 180 pounds on it and have kept it off for two years so far!) rejoice that millions more will be exposed to the solid principles of livin' la vida low-carb and take back control of their weight, too! A special THANKS to Dr. Noakes and Dr. Clifton for sharing The Total Wellbeing Diet
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