Thursday, March 08, 2007

Are You A Low-Carb Diet Success? You Can Be In A New Dana Carpender Book


I have a very exciting opportunity to share with you about a brand new book proposal that our friend and fellow low-carb champion Dana Carpender is working on. She's on a tight deadline here that requires her to have a proposal finished and ready to turn in to the publisher on Monday morning, so only those who are serious about this need to apply.

Because of the massive media attention to the new JAMA study out of Stanford this week, Dana believes the time is right to do a book about those of us who have been successful livin' la vida low-carb. As a result, she wants to interview anyone who has lost on a low-carb program and kept the weight off for at least two years. Is that you? If so, then answer these questions:

To what do you attribute your success? Was it support from friends? Family? Online support? Have you learned to cook a wide variety of low carbohydrate meals? Planning ahead? Feeling a lot better? What do you consider to be the two or three most crucial components in your low carb success?

In addition to those who have been highly successful, Dana is also wanting people who have struggled and gained back all of the weight they previously lost on the diet. If that's you, then answer these questions:

What were your biggest stumbling blocks? Lack of support, or downright sabotage? Naysaying from your doctor? Boredom with the food? Emotional carb cravings? Discouragement with a plateau? Budget and time constraints? Impulsive eating when junk appears in front of you?

Dana would like to hear from you ASAP and may be contacting you for further details about your story if she thinks it is what she needs. If you give her permission to get in touch with you and quite possibly include YOUR story in this new book, then simply e-mail her your answers to the questions about being a low-carb success or failure at

Here's what Dana had to say about this exciting project:

"If we're going to help people make this a permanent lifestyle change, we have to first really understand not just how you and I do it, but the secrets of as many successful low carbers as possible. And we need to know why the people who have gained their weight back fell by the wayside after initial success."

What an opportunity to have your story told by one of the best writers I know. And she's livin' la vida low-carb, too! :)

Once again, e-mail your story to Dana Carpender NO LATER THAN NOON ON SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2007 at I've already agreed to share my 180-pound Atkins weight loss success story and hope to have several of you join me in the book, too. Don't delay...let Dana hear from you TODAY!

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Blogger Science4u1959 said...

Done :)

3/08/2007 11:13 PM  

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