Introducing The 2nd Annual Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blogiversary Giveaway Contest

Yes, that cake is low-carb and I'll take a bite on April 21, 2007
Has it really been one year since I celebrated my first blogiversary at the "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog? WOW! It seems like just yesterday I was giving away all these fantastic prizes from wonderful low-carb companies to celebrate my one year online sharing the positive message about the low-carb lifestyle.
Well, I had so much fun giving away FREE PRIZES to my faithful readers last year that I have decided to DO IT AGAIN in 2007! That's right, today I am introducing the 2nd Annual Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blogiversary Giveaway Contest and the prizes are bigger and better than ever this year! Oh my gosh, you won't believe what all I will be giving away to so many lucky readers this year thanks to the generosity of so many sponsors who wanted to reward you for reading my blog.
In fact, there's so many prizes to share with you that I can't fit them all in one blog post. Well, technically I could, but you'd be reading until this time next year to get through them all. So, I'll split 'em up and run a series of posts over the next week or so to share all the amazing items you will have a chance to win. And there are some HUGE prizes for you, too! I've been teasing you about the grill giveaway for a couple of weeks, so I better at least share that one with you today.

My wife Christine is modeling the stupendous VCS4007 grill

Generously donated by the Ontario-based CFM Corporation, this Vermont Castings Signature series VCS4007 model grill is a top-of-the-line BBQ masterpiece worth thousands of dollars with all the latest bells and whistles to make you the king of the backyard this summer and all year round. You'll look like a pro using this grill and it could be yours just for being a reader of this blog. Special THANKS to CFM for providing this fantastic grand prize giveaway (I wanna win--LOL!).
Now that's a NICE prize, isn't it? Technically, the anniversary of my blog (thus, blogiversary!) is on April 21, 2007, but we'll be celebrating all month long by giving you a chance to enter to win that grill and a host of other prizes. I'll be conducting the drawing for all the prizes, including that Grand Prize grill, at the end of the month. Winners will be announced on the blog during the first week of May. Sound good so far? Sweet!
At this point, I bet you are wondering what you need to do to become eligible to win a prize, huh? Say what? You mean I actually have to work a little to win a prize? Yep, you sure do! But I think you're up to the task, especially since you have the chance to win that BBQ grill and so many other amazing prizes for doing so.
I promise you'll have fun doing this and the payoff when you win something will make it soooo worth the effort. Just ask any of the people who won a prize last year if it was worth it to them! :) That was fun and I'm ready to do it again!
I've make it easy for you to enter with these 3 SIMPLE STEPS:
1. Your full name/full mailing address (NO P.O. Boxes please!).
2. What low-carb plan do you follow?
3. The LLVLC scavenger hunt (answers easily found on my blog!):
a. What are three of my favorite movies?
b. What is my HDL number according to my latest blood work?
c. Which book do I consider the "must-have" for all low-carbers?
d. Who wrote the foreword to my Livin' La Vida Low-Carb book?
e. What was the name of my cat that died in 2006?
Oh, this is gonna be fun I can tell already! :) We'll see how well you know me (or not!) or at the very least your ability to find the answers by scouring over my blog in the next few weeks. See, I'm giving you plenty of time to find all the answers, so you should be able to do this. With a little basic searching techniques, you shouldn't have any trouble at all with the scavenger hunt questions. Remember all those great prizes that await you for your efforts! ;)
Send your entry to my e-mail When you e-mail me, please label the subject line "BLOGIVERSARY CONTEST" so I can easily identify it as an entry in my contest. NOTE: I MUST RECEIVE YOUR ENTRY NO LATER THAN 11:59PM EST ON APRIL 29, 2007 for you to be eligible to win a prize! You have ample time to enter, but don't delay! Get those entries to me ASAP!
Keep in mind that what you submit to me can and will be used in a future blog post, although I will NEVER mention your full name, address or e-mail address. Please limit your entry to one person per household to give everyone a fair chance to win a prize and there will be plenty of prizes for everyone to have an EXCELLENT chance to win. Winners will be selected by random drawing on Monday, April 30, 2007 and announced at my blog sometime that first week of May.
Be looking for more about the incredible prizes you can win over the next week! If you are a business and would like to donate a prize to this contest, then please feel free to contact me to discuss. THANKS and GOOD LUCK to everyone! Tell your friends and family about the 2nd Annual Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blogiversary Giveaway Contest and to visit throughout the month of April. We may have a few surprises here and there, so keep reading! SEE YA!
Labels: blog, blogiversary, contest, free, giveaway, grand prize, grill, Jimmy Moore, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, prizes
I have to say this was a blast---I love to do things like this....
entered and found you on thegiveawayproject :)
i found you by way of projectgiveaway :)
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