Have We Seen The Last Of Low-Carb Luxury?

Online since 1999, Low-Carb Luxury has taken a sudden hiatus
Long before the days of the "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog began in 2005, there was an amazing low-carb magazine called Low-Carb Luxury that began back in 1999 prior to the big hey day of the "low-carb craze" that hit in 2003-2004. Professionally written and with a gorgeous layout, this was and still is the premier low-carb magazine on the Internet.
The brainchild of a 100-pound Atkins low-carb weight loss success story named Lora Ruffner along with her faithful companion Neil Beaty (an extremely talented photographer by the way), Low-Carb Luxury has been at the top of their game for low-carb information for nearly a decade. I'm very proud of the road they paved over the years so that web sites and blogs like mine could flourish and prosper even after the supposed decline in interest. NOT!
In fact, I named Ruffner and Beaty in my list of the Top 10 Movers & Shakers of 2005. Although I've never had the pleasure of meeting them in person, I am personally grateful for their many years of product reviews, low-carb advocacy, and keeping it all in perspective through their unstoppable resource.
But one of my readers e-mailed me recently echoing the concerns that many of you have had about what has happened to Low-Carb Luxury. Here's what she wrote:
Hi Jimmy,
I read all the low-carb web sites, including yours. I love them all because I like to stay informed and educated. However, I have not been able to find anything new from Low Carb Luxury since February . Have you heard whether this low-carb magazine is finished or what? I am a subscriber to their online magazine and was just wondering if you know anything about their absence.

Was the Feburary 2007 issue of Low-Carb Luxury their swan song?
Great question and I was wondering the same thing since there has been no new content on Low-Carb Luxury since the February 2007 issue just as my reader indicated. Where did they go? Have we REALLY seen the last of Low-Carb Luxury? I hope not.
It is quite a challenge to keep fresh content online all the time (I've only done it for two years--they've been doing this for 8 years!!!), so perhaps a life's circumstance in Ruffer and/or Beaty's life has come up to put things on hold either temporarily or permanently. I really hate to speculate, but I hope and pray everything is okay with them.
If anyone has any other information about what has happened to Low-Carb Luxury, then I'd love to find out. I invite Ruffner and/or Beaty to contact me directly at livinlowcarbman@charter.net to let me and my readers know what's going on. We appreciate all of your contributions to the low-carb community over the years and wish only great things for you because you deserve it.
Anyone who has any information about the future of Low-Carb Luxury, then please feel free to post your comments. Are you a fan of their magazine and have you been wondering where they've been for the past three months? Also, share your thoughts about what that publication has meant to you over the years.
Labels: Lora Ruffner, low-carb, Low-Carb Luxury, magazine, Neil Beaty
Lora is an old friend of mine. I'll see if I can get in touch with her.
Did you hear anything about this Jimmy? I've tried calling her and can't get through.
I heard from Lora this week and will blog about it later today. THANKS!
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