Connie Bennett Guest Blogs On Hypoglycemia
What a sweet sugar-free and delicious treat I have for you in this post because my fellow low-carb blogging and sugar-shunning friend Connie Bennett from the SUGAR SHOCK! blog is currently on her worldwide blog book tour in promotion of her dynamic bestselling debut book release SUGAR SHOCK!: How Sweets And Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life--And How You Can Get Back On Track!

Connie has a special message just for YOU about the sometimes confusing and misunderstood health condition known as hypoglycemia. Special THANKS to Connie for sharing this invaluable information with my readers and I urge you to pick up a copy or two of this very important book.
Here's the personalized message Connie has just for YOU:
Greetings, readers of Livin' La Vida Low-Carb,
It's my pleasure to be a guest here on my colleague/blogging buddy Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low-Carb blog. My name is Connie Bennett, and I'm an experienced journalist and the author of SUGAR SHOCK!
(Berkley Books), which was recently released and is now for sale at bookstores everywhere and online retailers like Amazon,, and
My "adoration" of--or should I say overwhelmingly unhealthy attachment to--carbs dates back to 1998...actually, even before then. You see, I'm a former sugar addict with a torrent of tales about how I used to embarrass myself mightly because of all those "culprit carbs" that I so avidly over-consumed. In fact, I now even jokingly refer to myself as an "Ex-Sugar Shrew!" (See how I playfully poke fun of myself in this cartoon.)
In retrospect, the worst part of my sugar habit was that I was besieged by a host of baffling, seemingly unrelated ailments--horrible headaches, severe PMS, a mind-numbing "brain fog," embarrassing forgetfulness, out-of-the-blue dizziness, unsettling depression, scary heart palpitations, and even more! It wasn't until my doctor diagnosed me with reactive hypoglycemia and bluntly stated, "Connie, quit all sugar and simple carbs" that I reluctantly walked away from these nutrient-lacking foods. Now, my goal is to spread the sour scoop about sweets and to help you break free.
By the way, perhaps, the name of my book (SUGAR SHOCK!
) rings a bell, because Jimmy was one of a number of people who was kind enough to endorse it. He was joined by many top health experts, bestselling authors, and famous personalities, including the renowned Dr. Mehmet Oz, co-author of the huge bestseller, YOU: On A Diet. Not only that, but Jimmy gave a wonderful thumbs-up review, too. (Thanks again, Jimmy.)
So, I'm here today and tomorrow to draw your attention to the pervasiveness of hypoglycemia, a hugely misunderstood and often maligned condition by members of the medical establishment. (You can read an eye-opening excerpt from my book SUGAR SHOCK! by clicking here.)
I'd like to invite you to do what I call "Sugary Soul Searching" to begin to examine whether or not your weight issues may be related to symptoms of hypoglycemia:
- Do you think your weight problem is connectd to your sugar habit and your humongous sugar cravings?
- Are you besieged by a whole host of perplexing symptoms such as the ones I've mentioned above?
- Do you find that you'd rather eat those low-quality carbs than relish veggies and other high-caliber carbs?
- Do you skimp on better foods just to make room for those nutrient-lacking candies?
I look forward to hearing back from you. Feel free to ask me questions, too.
Connie Bennett
(Berkley Books)
Please share your questions and feedback for Connie in the comments section below. She will be monitoring my blog and providing responses for YOU. She's the expert, so ask away everyone!

Connie has a special message just for YOU about the sometimes confusing and misunderstood health condition known as hypoglycemia. Special THANKS to Connie for sharing this invaluable information with my readers and I urge you to pick up a copy or two of this very important book.
Here's the personalized message Connie has just for YOU:
Greetings, readers of Livin' La Vida Low-Carb,
It's my pleasure to be a guest here on my colleague/blogging buddy Jimmy Moore's Livin' La Vida Low-Carb blog. My name is Connie Bennett, and I'm an experienced journalist and the author of SUGAR SHOCK!
My "adoration" of--or should I say overwhelmingly unhealthy attachment to--carbs dates back to 1998...actually, even before then. You see, I'm a former sugar addict with a torrent of tales about how I used to embarrass myself mightly because of all those "culprit carbs" that I so avidly over-consumed. In fact, I now even jokingly refer to myself as an "Ex-Sugar Shrew!" (See how I playfully poke fun of myself in this cartoon.)
In retrospect, the worst part of my sugar habit was that I was besieged by a host of baffling, seemingly unrelated ailments--horrible headaches, severe PMS, a mind-numbing "brain fog," embarrassing forgetfulness, out-of-the-blue dizziness, unsettling depression, scary heart palpitations, and even more! It wasn't until my doctor diagnosed me with reactive hypoglycemia and bluntly stated, "Connie, quit all sugar and simple carbs" that I reluctantly walked away from these nutrient-lacking foods. Now, my goal is to spread the sour scoop about sweets and to help you break free.
By the way, perhaps, the name of my book (SUGAR SHOCK!
So, I'm here today and tomorrow to draw your attention to the pervasiveness of hypoglycemia, a hugely misunderstood and often maligned condition by members of the medical establishment. (You can read an eye-opening excerpt from my book SUGAR SHOCK! by clicking here.)
I'd like to invite you to do what I call "Sugary Soul Searching" to begin to examine whether or not your weight issues may be related to symptoms of hypoglycemia:
- Do you think your weight problem is connectd to your sugar habit and your humongous sugar cravings?
- Are you besieged by a whole host of perplexing symptoms such as the ones I've mentioned above?
- Do you find that you'd rather eat those low-quality carbs than relish veggies and other high-caliber carbs?
- Do you skimp on better foods just to make room for those nutrient-lacking candies?
I look forward to hearing back from you. Feel free to ask me questions, too.
Connie Bennett
Please share your questions and feedback for Connie in the comments section below. She will be monitoring my blog and providing responses for YOU. She's the expert, so ask away everyone!
Labels: blog, book, Connie Bennett, hypoglycemia, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, low-carb, sugar, SUGAR SHOCK
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