'CARB WARS' Companion Low-Carb Site Debuts

Cookbook author Judy Barnes Baker brings her passion for low-carb online
Have you placed your order for the brand new low-carb cookbook releasing on April 1, 2007 called CARB WARS: Sugar Is The New Fat yet? If not, then shoot on over to Amazon.com
The author of the book is the adorable and easy-to-love Judy Barnes Baker who is as committed to the principles of livin' la vida low-carb as much as anyone else I know today. She found low-carb living really does work not by using it on herself, but actually for her husband whose health was failing fast at the turn of the century.
After a friend told Judy about the low-carb diet, she decided to try it on her husband by making him lower-carb versions of his favorite foods. As you can imagine, his health dramatically improved for the better in just six months confounding their doctor who had no idea it was a low-carb diet that created these improvements. They've both been eating this way for years and wouldn't think of going back to the high-carb garbage diet ever again!
Now Judy wants to help others following this lifestyle enjoy good food that's easy to make.
"What I set out to do when I started writing CARB WARS was to make healthful food that requires no sacrifice," Judy explained. "I wanted to make meals that were as sumptuous and varied as if I had my choice of all the ingredients the world had to offer. I re-created all my favorite foods; I hope yours are there too."
As you can imagine, Judy has built up quite a collection of low-carb recipes over the years of making dishes for her family. Because of that, she came up with the idea for her new cookbook and now a brand new web site venture located at CarbWarsCookbook.com as the perfect companion to her upcoming book. WOW, what a beautiful and informative resource for people who are livin' la vida low-carb and I encourage you to check it out!
Judy said there is plenty to see at her web site for newbies and active low-carbers.
"You will find new recipes as well as variations and suggestions for the ones featured in the book," she remarked. "I will also include current developments and commentary about the latest research, links to other low-carb sites, and sources for products and information that you may find helpful."
After browsing around the site for myself, I noticed you can read reviews of her new book, get links to ingredients sources to use in your low-carb recipes, access some FREE RECIPES straight from Judy's kitchen, and even read her commentary about the latest low-carb news. Sweet!
Judy Barnes Baker also provides you with the contact information for her business Duck In A Boat, LLC if you have any questions or comments about her book, her new web site, or even livin' la vida low-carb in general.
"You are invited to contact me with questions, comments, and helpful hints that you may wish to share," she said.
Will do, Judy! THANKS so much for this outstanding new web site and I can't wait for people to see your book! Best wishes to you as you help spread the positive message of livin' la vida low-carb to the world! Go get 'em, girl!
Labels: book, CARB WARS, cookbook, cooking, diet, Judy Barnes Baker, low-carb, recipes, web site, weight loss
Good stuff Jimmy. This is the kind of quality that makes everything you do work. I'm going to run this by you once more while were talking here and then let it rest for awhile because I know it's not popular to talk about and little paid attention to. It's the hybrid thing and the modern carb thing and it's the mind and thinking and emotional effects and the Psyche effects of sugar and the modern carbs that I'm talking about and trying to get heard. These two things are not even discussed or acknowledeged by anybody, including yourself. Am I off on a tangent or am I on to something? I got to her site and clicked recipe and sweet peas jumped out at me, that's what made me think of this. The Psyche/drug thing and the hybrid factor are both paramount to me and I think for good reason, where are you at regarding these two factors? If you think of all the life changing effects of speed on peoples lives for the Psyche part of this and think of living processing plants as in factories for the hybrid factor this might make more sense. Tom
THANKS, Tom! But I have dealt with those issues at great length in my earlier posts as well as in my book. Feel free to create a blog and tell us all about your theories and I'm happy to post a link for others to see what you have to say. THANK YOU for your comments!
Thanks, I'll try to do that as soon as I can. Thanks again, I'm really pleased to hear that you have this information in your battle plan. Tom
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