'Mark Sisson's Daily Apple' Interviews Jimmy Moore About The Low-Carb Lifestyle

I let loose in my interview with "Mark Sisson's Daily Apple" blog
Do you remember when I blogged about 10 healthy new diet and weight loss blogs a few weeks ago? One of those blogs is "Mark Sisson's Daily Apple" which has quickly become one of my must-read health blogs on the Internet. His perspective is one that is sorely needed for such a time as this.
Mark has a background in biology as well as competitive professional sports and is a strong proponent of low-carb encouraging his readers to not be afraid to try it. His three-step rule is to "drench yourself in good fats, eat plenty of lean protein, and eat green and colorful vegetables with reckless abandon." Sounds like a plan to me! :)
Recently, someone from Mark's office contacted me about an interview for their web site. It seems they were impressed by what I am doing here at my "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog and wanted to share a little more of Jimmy Moore with their readers. They asked me some very intriguing questions to which I shared straight from the convictions of my heart no holds barred. Would you expect anything less?
Read Part 1 of what they call a "can't miss interview with everyone’s favorite low-carb blogger, low-carb rock star Jimmy Moore" (**blush**) conducted by "Mark Sisson's Daily Apple" blog entitled "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb & Lovin' It" RIGHT NOW! Part 2 will be posted on Wednesday.
They described my answers as "thoughtful" and I tried to just shoot from the hip and tell them exactly what my gut instinct response was to each question. In fact, I didn't even go back and review my answers because I didn't want them to be polished in any way. What you see is exactly what came to my mind at the time so you got an authentic snapshot of what I truly believe in my heart of hearts.
The questions asked me about what I think the three top benefits of livin' la vida low-carb are (you may be surprised by what I said!), whether I think anyone should be on a high-carb diet (what do YOU think I said!), and whether I'm worried about high cholesterol and heart disease (hmmm, let me think about that one over a ribeye steak cooked in butter!).
Here's just a wee little taste of some of what I said in the interview:
"Getting people to finally care enough about their own weight and health is one of the hardest obstacles to overcome in this battle against obesity. Most people just don’t give a rip about those things because they don’t see the imminent danger to themselves or the burden they are or soon will be having on our health care system in the coming years. The low-carb lifestyle woke me up to this reality and is the biggest unsung benefit of transitioning to the low-carb way of life.”
How about scootin' over to read Part 1 of my interview with Mark Sisson's Daily Apple and then go back and read Part 2 later on Wednesday? Special thanks to Mark, Sara, and the entire staff over there for giving me this opportunity to share my low-carb weight loss success with their readers.
3-14-07 UPDATE: Okay, Mark has Part 2 of my interview posted now. ENJOY what I had to say about cheating, pasta, and those darn vegetarians amd vegans.
Labels: blog, Daily Apple, diet, health, interview, Jimmy Moore, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, Mark Sisson, weight loss
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