LLVLC On YouTube (Episode 9): Don't Try Atkins Without Your Instruction Manual

If you're gonna do the "Atkins diet," then you MUST read THIS book!
Christine and I are BACK from our quick little trip to Pigeon Forge in the Smoky Mountains for a bit of rest and relaxation and we're excited to bring you yet another new video in our fun and exciting new "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb On YouTube" series. The comments have been coming in with these videos and everyone is raving about how much they enjoy these sometimes quirky, but informative episodes about the healthy low-carb lifestyle. We cannot tell you how much fun we have making these videos (even better than blogging...er, almost!).
I wanted to share a very nice e-mail I received from one of our YouTube video fans who won a copy of my book just for leaving a comment a couple of episodes back. His name is Dan (aka SlimQuest) and he was extremely grateful for the blessing low-carb has been in his life. Check this out:
Hello Jimmy and Christine,
Hope all is well...
I wanted to thank you for the book you sent me last week... I just finished it... besides the Atkins Book, your book was great... the Atkins book is good for details about the actual diet however your book really hit home for me... we have had a lot of similar experiences, you and I ... your book was very inspiring and I found it hard to put down... I have been on the Atkins Diet for 21 days and have lost a total of 15 pounds so far...
I actually have done this once before and lost about 140 lbs... doing what I thought was the Atkins diet... I gained all but about 45 lbs pounds back and ended back to 430 lbs... I did not have the support, no blogs, no books, no feed back from others that have succeeded and kept the weight off... It was a disaster the first time around.
I do not know why it took me so long to get back to this point where I had success before... but I tried the South Beach Diet, the Nuti-System Diet, Counting Calorie Diet and failed again and again over about a year period... I guess I am just hard headed that way... but I finally came back to reality and bought the Atkins Book and CD read it and listened to the CD and started 21 days ago...
Induction was really hard for me but again I am hard headed and did not do it exactly as written and paid the price with alot of unpleasant side effects... I actually got so sick and I quit... and went out and bought a extra large pizza to eat for 3 days while I contimplated my next move, I then went back to the drawing board and read the book again and started over...
Anyway I finally got through Induction, I am feeling great, well into fat burning mode and I am loving this diet... the pounds are burning off again and I am down to 410.8 lbs down from 430 lbs... and actually at my heaviest I weighed in at 475 lbs when I lost the first 140 lbs about 3 years ago... Anyway I am back... Yippy... :)
I really appreciate your help Jimmy, I am not sure if you realize what a great help you are with all of your work... I think what you do and what you have done on your blog, YouTube and your book is wonderful and really a God send...
My Dad past away from complications of Diabetes at age 65 and I saw him suffer for over 10 years from amputations, heart attacks, strokes, blindness and at the end he passed away in front of me in the hospital... It was terrible experience to see someone you love go through such pain... his brother, my uncle passed about a year before him from the same disease. I made a promise to my Dad... that I would lose the weight and become healthy and he made me promise that I would not make the same mistakes he did...
I had lost about 100 lbs of the 140 lbs before he passed away... he was very proud of me, back then... however, after that due to many different stresses I allowed myself to gain back 100 lbs back up to 430 lbs... I felt ashamed of myself and I felt like I let him down... I want to make him proud again and I want to make myself proud... :)
So, here I am, the next Atkins Success story in the making... My goal is to weigh in at 225 lbs on February 14, 2009 Valentines Day... that is when my fiance and I are getting married... thanks to your help and support with all the great advise and the support of my fiance Amy I will do this and be the healthy man I am supposed to be... I am glad I have your support and invaluable knowledge to help me this time around... I really feel this time is going to be for good...
My fiance is a wonderful woman and happens to be a Gastroenterologist and she is going to be starting Atkins in a few weeks... she supports me in everything I do and has backed me every step of the way... Unfortunately, She just went through surgery to remove a large Endometreoma cyst from her right ovary... they found that it had enveloped the tube and the entire ovary and she had to have them removed... she is in a lot of pain in her tummy and in her heart as she is very sad and worried about the future, babies and such... She is taking a few weeks off from work and is here with me as I help her back to health...
Needless to say it has been very stressful... but the amazing thing is that I have actually lost this 15 pounds during this whole stressful event... normally I would have put on an extra 15 lbs by now due to my past stress eating... It was amazing that I was able to do this during this time of grief and stress... that is when I realized that this time was going to be different... and thanks to your book and support of others, I feel more confident than ever... Thank you very much for everything... Please keep blogging, YouTubing and writing books...
Thank you for making such a big impact on my life Jimmy and tell Christine thank you as well... my fiance loves watching her as well and hearing from her... thanks again...
God Bless You...
To your success...
WOW, Dan! We DO have a lot in common...have weighed 400 pounds, the woman of our life had to have endometriosis surgery, concerned about having children, and BEST OF ALL--did the ATKINS diet! You keep at it, my friend, and you'll have no choice but to succeed. I can't wait to see it happen!
Speaking of doing the Atkins diet, that's the subject matter of Episode 9 of "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb On YouTube" because this is way too important for people to miss. Unfortunately, a lot of people in our society have made the "Atkins diet" synonymous with just eating meat, eggs, and cheese all day. But for those of us who have actually READ THE BOOK, you KNOW that's not what the genuine Atkins diet is all about.
While you may do just fine eating that way, many people get frustrated at some point when they realize that something is missing about their diet. Uh, ya think? That's where reading Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution at the cool discount price of a penny plus shipping at Amazon.com becomes invaluable as you sincerely learn what the Atkins diet is about.
Watch our latest video now for an analogy about why reading the instruction manual is so important when you are livin' la vida low-carb:
There's only one Atkins diet (well, actually, there are TWO if you count the ORIGINAL 1970s Atkins diet and then the updated one from the 1990s), so doing anything else just isn't Atkins. Call it what you want, but, as we say in the South, it AIN'T Atkins! Read the book, absorb its message, and then do it EXACTLY as the late great Dr. Robert C. Atkins shared in his masterpiece. You can't go wrong if you do that!
Please post your comments about Episode 9 at YouTube about today's video and you could have a chance to win a special surprise prize that will be announced in our next episode. Click here and you'll be taken to the YouTube page where you can leave a comment about this show.
Did you miss any of our other YouTube videos? Never fear, they're all right here:
- Promo video--A half-minute promotion of the new video series
- Episode 1--Introduction of Jimmy & Christine Moore
- Episode 2--What kind of fruits can you have on a low-carb diet?
- Episode 3--What kind of veggies can you have on a low-carb diet?
- Episode 4--What does a low-carber do for something sweet?
- Episode 5--Why is fat so healthy for you on the low-carb lifestyle?
- Episode 6--Which restaurants can you go to on the low-carb lifestyle?
- Episode 7--What are the best new low-carb books you need to read?
- Episode 8--Why should you be eating a lot more eggs?
We now have well over 100 subscribers to our YouTube videos and I want to thank you for continuing to tell your friends, family, and anyone else who needs a boost of education, encouragement and inspiration in their low-carb lifestyle to check us out. Sure, we're a bit silly at times and like to make you laugh with our videos. But the work we are doing is DEAD SERIOUS as the lives of real people are being positively changed because of it.
THANK YOU as always for watching our videos and please send us your feedback, suggestions for future show ideas, comments, and questions at livinlowcarbman@charter.net. We've got some REALLY good ideas for upcoming videos, so don't miss a single video. CLICK HERE to subscribe NOW! :)
Labels: Atkins, Christine, diet, Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution, Jimmy Moore, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, video, YouTube
"I tried Atkins, but I felt horrible and then I binged and that was the end of it."
"I tried Atkins. I really stuck with it for two weeks, but I couldn't keep it up."
"I tried Atkins, but I just couldn't stand going without any vegetables."
Have you ever heard remarks like this? It took me a while to catch on to how I needed to respond:
"Which Atkins book did you read?"
Because the answer is always the same:
"I didn't read anything. I just tried it."
Then I say, "You did NOT try Atkins." And I move on from there.
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