Sunday, January 27, 2008

LLVLC On YouTube (Episode 24): Help Me With My C-C-C-Cravings!

There are some issues a male blogger without any education or experience in medicine and health just shouldn't be asked about. And yet it still happens! Remember this blog post when I got asked about whether livin' la vida low-carb will prolong your period. Uh, riiiiiigght! I know all about that kinda stuff, you know, so I'll just whip out my pat answer and give it to ya. HA! No, I needed to get my female low-carb blogging friend Regina Wilshire from the "Weight of the Evidence" blog to help me out on that one.

With that said, in Episode 24 of "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb On YouTube," we've got another one of those "girly" questions--how do you handle those intense cravings around your time of the month? AAAAAACK! Not again!!! LOL! Seriously, I wouldn't even begin to try to understand what those cravings are like or how to combat them, but I know someone who does. And she just so happens to co-host my YouTube videos with me--the beautiful and talented Christine (that's my darling wife, ya'll!).

Ironically, when we shot this video, Christine just so happened to be on her TOM (no, that's not her boyfriend, TOM is short for "time of the month"). So it wasn't very hard for her to talk about his subject so freely and openly on camera. She did most of the talking since it's that woman thang, ya know?

Learn how to tame those c-c-c-cravings in today's video:

I wasn't a complete mute in this video and shared from my own experience about how to tackle general cravings when you are livin' la vida low-carb. Christine verified that some of the strategies I shared with how to deal with those kind of cravings also help with the special once-a-month female cravings, too. She did such a GREAT job in this video and I'm so proud of her (right, honey, you did that what you wanted me to say? Yes ma'am!). :P

As always, we'd love to read your thoughts about Episode 24 of "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb On YouTube" with any tips and advice about what YOU do to prevent cravings from ruining your low-carb lifestyle. We all deal with them in our own way, so I'm very interested in hearing some real-life examples of what works and what doesn't work. SHARE SHARE SHARE!

Our list of YouTube videos is growing by leaps and bounds and we appreciate the faithfulness of those of you who watch them each and every week. Sometimes I don't get a chance to post them here at my blog for a few days, so be sure to subscribe to our videos to see them within minutes after they are uploaded to YouTube. Today's video was inspired by several suggestions from our viewers, so please don't hesitate to write to us anytime with show ideas and other feedback at THANK YOU again for supporting "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb On YouTube!"

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Blogger Tom Bunnell said...

I used to think not that long ago on some of the forums that I was frequenting that quite a few of the people talked about me quite a bit or some other TOM, I couldn't quite figure it out and the things they were saying. I felt pretty foolish when I finally did. -- Ah, the acronym world..

1/28/2008 4:43 AM  

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