Five More Hot New Low-Carb Blogs For 2007
The quality of the new blogs dedicated to livin' la vida low-carb just keeps getting better and better as I highlighted with these five last week. But there are just so many more new low-carb blogs making their mark that I can't help but share with you five more this week. You are gonna LOVE these, I promise you!
Be sure to bookmark these low-carb blogs and come back to them again and again in the coming weeks, months, and years to come. They are the cream of the crop and are already making a difference in 2007. Every single one of these make me very proud to be a member of the low-carb community. How about if we show 'em all some love and leave a comment at their respective blogs, hmmm?
Tell 'em "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Man" Jimmy Moore said hey, hey, hey! :D

1. "The Steaks Are High"
What can I say about the absolutely gorgeous and incredibly gifted freelance writer going to school in Montreal, Canada named Kate Welch and her magnificent low-carb blog creatively titled "The Steaks Are High?" Although Kate is merely a babe at the age of 23 years old, she is using those extraordinary writing talents of hers to spread the low-carb message to the masses because of the tremendous impact it has made in her life personally. A former 200+ pound woman, Kate now is completely submerged in the low-carb lifestyle. I enjoyed her writing skills so much that I asked her to be a contributing writer at my companion low-carb web site Low-Carb Newsline. Kate's take is never fake so make some time for "The Steaks Are High" for heaven's sake! :D

2. "U-Turn: My Journey To Health"
Another amazing new low-carb blog is "U-Turn: My Journey To Health" from Dallas, Texas native Kevin Graves. This almost-50-year old man got serious about his weight and health this year after tipping the scales at 360 pounds on the day after Christmas (he reminds me of another "Kevin" in my life). Since then, he has lost a total of 25 pounds on the Perricone diet and is bound and determined to do this for real this time.
Here's what Kevin had to say about me and my blog:
"I'm a huge fan of yours. Yours is a voice of reason when so many try to attack low carb lifestyle. You've been a great inspiration for many people. Thanks Jimmy for posting all your experiences. You helped me and I appreciate it. Keep up the great work!"
THANKS, man! Kevin's ultimate desire with his blog is to "help other to find their way." What an honorable and valiant mission that I for one will be keeping a close eye on in the months and years to come as Kevin not only gets thinner, but also healthier while inspiring many others to do the same for themselves. GO GET 'EM, KEVIN!

3. "The Sugar Plump Fairy"
Oooookay...the first time I saw this blog I thought to myself, "What in the world is this all about?" But it was a nice draw to make me look closer at what Seattle, Washington resident THE Sugar Plump Fairy (gee, I wonder if that's her REAL name! HA!) has to say about overcoming her addiction to sugar. Direct, personal, and unafraid to be politically incorrect...ahhhhh, that's exactly what so many people need to perhaps hear the truth for the first time in their lives. Don't stray too far away from this baby blog because I do believe the best posts are coming soon.

4. "The Grocery Explorer"
Meet Allie, a Boise, Idaho-based self-described "die hard food fan" who uses her blog to review the latest healthy foods available today. Married to a "meat and potatoes" husband and raising an adorable 2-year old, Allie has taken her title as "The Grocery Explorer" very seriously as she helps you navigate through the aisles and aisles of garbage you will find at the grocery store to identify those nuggets of wholesome goodness for your dinner table. Her recommendations aren't always "low-carb," but she does highlight foods that are perfect for livin' la vida low-carb, too.

5. "Health News For Health Nuts"
Finally, we've got the low-carb blog with the cheesiest actual name, but the coolest URL name. Scott K, the 27-year old consultant from Louisville, Kentucky, calls his blog "Health News For Health Nuts" but the blog address is "Modern Forager" would make for an intriguing blog name, but what do I know?! :)
What I DO know is that Scott is another new low-carb blogger to keep an eye on. His commentary about the science, research, and health headlines brings some much-needed clarity and understanding to a subject that is quite often misunderstood and distorted. Things because clearer after reading this blog--even if "Health News For Health Nuts" is a corny name! LOL!
Okay, that's five MORE low-carb blogs for you to chew on this week. Nothing would thrill me more than to keep on focusing on five new low-carb blogs a week throughout 2007. That would be over 250 brand new low-carb-oriented blogs by the end of the year--all sharing the common theme that livin' la vida low-carb is a delicious, effective, and permanent nutritional approach for weight loss and improved health.
I'm in low-carb nirvana, baby! :D
Got a low-carb blog to share with me? E-mail me the URL and a brief synopsis of yourself and your blog and I may feature it here in a future post. Let's keep sharing the positive message of low-carb living until everyone in the entire world agrees it is a viable alternative to the failed low-fat, low-calorie diets.
2-14-07 UPDATE: Well, Scott took me up on my suggestion and changed the name of his blog to "Modern Forager." GREAT MOVE, Scott!!! He even blogged about this post where I featured his low-carb blog. THANKS, Scott!
Even the Sugar Plump Fairy weighed in with this post about being highlighted in this post. Click on the comments section to see more feedback from others whose blogs were spotlighted.
2-15-07 UPDATE: Now Kevin Graves has blogged about his mention today. THANKS for your very kind comments, Kevin! I'm happy to help anytime. Take care!
2-17-07 UPDATE: The great Kate Welch has penned an awesome post about being mentioned at my blog. THANKS, Kate! Your words of encouragement mean a lot more to me than you could ever know. :)
Be sure to bookmark these low-carb blogs and come back to them again and again in the coming weeks, months, and years to come. They are the cream of the crop and are already making a difference in 2007. Every single one of these make me very proud to be a member of the low-carb community. How about if we show 'em all some love and leave a comment at their respective blogs, hmmm?
Tell 'em "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Man" Jimmy Moore said hey, hey, hey! :D

1. "The Steaks Are High"
What can I say about the absolutely gorgeous and incredibly gifted freelance writer going to school in Montreal, Canada named Kate Welch and her magnificent low-carb blog creatively titled "The Steaks Are High?" Although Kate is merely a babe at the age of 23 years old, she is using those extraordinary writing talents of hers to spread the low-carb message to the masses because of the tremendous impact it has made in her life personally. A former 200+ pound woman, Kate now is completely submerged in the low-carb lifestyle. I enjoyed her writing skills so much that I asked her to be a contributing writer at my companion low-carb web site Low-Carb Newsline. Kate's take is never fake so make some time for "The Steaks Are High" for heaven's sake! :D

2. "U-Turn: My Journey To Health"
Another amazing new low-carb blog is "U-Turn: My Journey To Health" from Dallas, Texas native Kevin Graves. This almost-50-year old man got serious about his weight and health this year after tipping the scales at 360 pounds on the day after Christmas (he reminds me of another "Kevin" in my life). Since then, he has lost a total of 25 pounds on the Perricone diet and is bound and determined to do this for real this time.
Here's what Kevin had to say about me and my blog:
"I'm a huge fan of yours. Yours is a voice of reason when so many try to attack low carb lifestyle. You've been a great inspiration for many people. Thanks Jimmy for posting all your experiences. You helped me and I appreciate it. Keep up the great work!"
THANKS, man! Kevin's ultimate desire with his blog is to "help other to find their way." What an honorable and valiant mission that I for one will be keeping a close eye on in the months and years to come as Kevin not only gets thinner, but also healthier while inspiring many others to do the same for themselves. GO GET 'EM, KEVIN!

3. "The Sugar Plump Fairy"
Oooookay...the first time I saw this blog I thought to myself, "What in the world is this all about?" But it was a nice draw to make me look closer at what Seattle, Washington resident THE Sugar Plump Fairy (gee, I wonder if that's her REAL name! HA!) has to say about overcoming her addiction to sugar. Direct, personal, and unafraid to be politically incorrect...ahhhhh, that's exactly what so many people need to perhaps hear the truth for the first time in their lives. Don't stray too far away from this baby blog because I do believe the best posts are coming soon.

4. "The Grocery Explorer"
Meet Allie, a Boise, Idaho-based self-described "die hard food fan" who uses her blog to review the latest healthy foods available today. Married to a "meat and potatoes" husband and raising an adorable 2-year old, Allie has taken her title as "The Grocery Explorer" very seriously as she helps you navigate through the aisles and aisles of garbage you will find at the grocery store to identify those nuggets of wholesome goodness for your dinner table. Her recommendations aren't always "low-carb," but she does highlight foods that are perfect for livin' la vida low-carb, too.

5. "Health News For Health Nuts"
Finally, we've got the low-carb blog with the cheesiest actual name, but the coolest URL name. Scott K, the 27-year old consultant from Louisville, Kentucky, calls his blog "Health News For Health Nuts" but the blog address is "Modern Forager" would make for an intriguing blog name, but what do I know?! :)
What I DO know is that Scott is another new low-carb blogger to keep an eye on. His commentary about the science, research, and health headlines brings some much-needed clarity and understanding to a subject that is quite often misunderstood and distorted. Things because clearer after reading this blog--even if "Health News For Health Nuts" is a corny name! LOL!
Okay, that's five MORE low-carb blogs for you to chew on this week. Nothing would thrill me more than to keep on focusing on five new low-carb blogs a week throughout 2007. That would be over 250 brand new low-carb-oriented blogs by the end of the year--all sharing the common theme that livin' la vida low-carb is a delicious, effective, and permanent nutritional approach for weight loss and improved health.
I'm in low-carb nirvana, baby! :D
Got a low-carb blog to share with me? E-mail me the URL and a brief synopsis of yourself and your blog and I may feature it here in a future post. Let's keep sharing the positive message of low-carb living until everyone in the entire world agrees it is a viable alternative to the failed low-fat, low-calorie diets.
2-14-07 UPDATE: Well, Scott took me up on my suggestion and changed the name of his blog to "Modern Forager." GREAT MOVE, Scott!!! He even blogged about this post where I featured his low-carb blog. THANKS, Scott!
Even the Sugar Plump Fairy weighed in with this post about being highlighted in this post. Click on the comments section to see more feedback from others whose blogs were spotlighted.
2-15-07 UPDATE: Now Kevin Graves has blogged about his mention today. THANKS for your very kind comments, Kevin! I'm happy to help anytime. Take care!
2-17-07 UPDATE: The great Kate Welch has penned an awesome post about being mentioned at my blog. THANKS, Kate! Your words of encouragement mean a lot more to me than you could ever know. :)
Labels: blogs, Grocery Explorer, health, Jimmy Moore, Kate Welch, Kevin Graves, low-carb, Modern Forager, Steaks Are High, Sugar Plump Fairy, weight loss
Hahah! Thanks for the props Jimmy! My wife would agree with you that I'm corny. Everything about my blog is still a work in progress, so the title may change (but not the don't take me off your RSS feeds!). I wasn't sure people would understand "Modern Forager," but they certainly get the point with "Health News for Health Nuts". Thanks again Jimmy! Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks for the write up Jimmy - I'm blushing at all your compliments!
Nice little rhyming ditty at the end there too! Haha...
Seriously though, thank you for all your support. You make the low carb blogosphere a friendlier and brighter place for the rest of us.
Kate at The Steaks Are High
Thanks for the kind words! I'm continually encouraged by your blog and your success, Jimmy. I hope my little blog can one day morph into something as widely read and respected as yours has become.
Striving to be more direct, more personal and definitely oh so politically incorrect in the upcoming weeks. :)
-- The SPF
I feel like I've been invited to Pickfair by Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford! WOW. I got a mention on the Mercedes of Low Carb! I'm in the shock and awe phase, Jimmy! I will have to try hard to live up to your praise. In the meantime, thank you so much for your support. Having the support of someone who has been there and back is the ultimate inspiration. I've read your blog and respect your eating ethic. Two reasons I am doubly humbled and grateful to have achieved mention in your blog. Thank you so much. You've helped SO MANY people; if I can achieve that AND my weight loss goals, it will all be worth it. Jimmy, YOU ROCK!!!
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