Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Low-Carb Blog Linked On Wikipedia...Again!

Well, well, well. It looks I've been honored with another Wikipedia mention of a post I have written here at my "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" blog! Awesome!

Remember last year when I blogged about first being featured on the Atkins Nutritional Approach Wikipedia page with a column I wrote? Well, it's happened again.

This time, it's a more controversial blog post I wrote about the Academy of the Sierras "fat farm" best known for feeding obese kids an extremely low-fat diet. It's criminal what these people are doing and I said as much.

Here's a portion of what I wrote in July 2006:

"But isn't it borderline child abuse what the leaders of this program are doing to these poor kids? With new research PROVING the theories they are using to induce weight loss in these children--namely an extreme low-fat diet--is false, then why would they still insist on using these tactics when there are much better ways to bring about the same results in a healthier manner? They wouldn't need to change their program radically to make it just as effective for weight loss AND be more nutrient-dense."

Apparently someone liked what I had to share and provided a link to my blog post at the Aspen Education Group page on Wikipedia. Incidentally, Aspen is the parent group for the Academy of the Sierras.

On the Wikipedia page next to the Academy of the Sierras listing, here's what is written:

The facilities runs a weight loss program. In order to admitted, the participant must be overweight by at least 15 kilograms. The diet is criticized by some lay observers,[4][5] but such a very-low-fat diet is supported by the World Health Organization [6] and the American Diabetes Association [7].

If you click on the [4] on that page, it takes you to Extreme Low-Fat Farm Abusing Obese Kids (Jimmi Moore). Other than misspelling my first name (who spells "Jimmy" that way?! LOL!), I thought it was cool to be listed on Wikipedia...again!

With over 1600 articles floating around out in the wonderful World Wide Web, I guess the odds were a few of them would eventually end up on Wikipedia. Sweeeeeet!

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