My Low-Carb Trip To Durham, NC Was Absolutely Awesome!

I've spent the past few days in the great state of North Carolina
Hellllllllooooooo? Anyone home?
Yes, I'm still here although I haven't blogged in a few days. Sorry about that. I have been away in Durham, North Carolina since Sunday with barely a moment of rest over the past three days. That's okay because Christine and I had an absolutely incredible time with the wonderful readers in the Triangle area who came out to see us on Sunday night.

What a blast it was to hang out with the Triangle Low-Carb Cooking Meetup group. It was such an honor and a privilege to meet these people in person and to thank them for their support! Dr. Eric Westman from Duke University along with his professional cohort Adele Hite also attended this gathering at a Brazilian restaurant called Rio Churrascaria in Cary, NC. It was hours (LITERALLY!) of fun with about 18 enthusiastic low-carbers and I sincerely appreciate everyone who came out to meet us.

The food was excellent (meat, meat, and more meat, baby!), although I didn't think they could serve it fast enough! All I had eaten on Sunday prior to this meal was some eggs for breakfast. So I was huuuuuungry when we got there on Sunday night. But I still didn't eat as much as I would have since we had so many people to talk to. Putting real live people in front of you instead of a username or an e-mail address was a great reminder that these are real people whose lives are being changed for the better because of what I am doing. It was a humbling experience.

Dr. Westman suggested we go around the table and introduce ourselves. It was during this time that I learned about the impact my blog, podcast, and YouTube videos have been making. When you're a blogger and sitting behind a computer for much of the day, it's sometimes hard to know if anyone is reading. They really are and Sunday night again reaffirmed that for me.

Of course, it was so funny when one sweet lady heard all these people talking about how Jimmy Moore has helped them and she turned to me when it was her turn and said, "I've never even heard of you...sorry!" LOL! That's okay, you'll be reading my blog now. :P What an inspiring experience it was to chit-chat with my readers from the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area of North Carolina! A big special THANK YOU to everyone who came out!

One person I was absolutely ecstatic to meet was one of my forum moderators named Charles Washington. He and his wife are two of the nicest people you'll ever meet. Christine and I felt like we'd known them our entire lives because that's the kind of warmth and friendliness they displayed towards us when we met them. Charles is a low-carb rebel and you gotta love it! The man eats zero carb and runs marathons (in fact, he had run a 5k that morning!). If you haven't signed up at my new forum yet, then it's worth it just to pick Charles' brain and learn from his experience. It was great to FINALLY meet you, Charles! THANKS for your friendship and dedication. YOU DA MAN!

Then on Monday night, I was asked to come speak to a group of Dr. Westman's patients in Durham, NC and it was my chance to be in my element. Nothing is more exciting than being in the small-group setting (like in previous events where I had shared here and here) where you can make eye contact with people and just be who you are. That's why I love doing these kind of events because there are desperate people willing to do almost anything to lose weight. If I can give them any hope at all that they can do it like I did, then my mission is accomplished.

Although many of the participants in the Monday night talk are patients of Dr. Westman, a few of them are not. It was fun to watch the faces of those who don't understand that fat is healthy for them. One sweet lady asked if she should pull the skin off of her chicken to make it healthier. I responded, "Actually, you should put double skin on it and dip it in butter!" The look she gave me back was priceless. :)

I met Dr. Westman in January 2006 for the first time at a low-carb conference in Brooklyn, New York and have since seen him at other meetings, including the one in Nashville in 2007 as well as in Phoenix last month. We've been talking for over a year about having Christine and I take the drive up I-85 for three hours to see what he does in action. It was great to finally get to do it and see how a low-carb doctor helps patients get better.

Seeing Dr. Westman and Adele working with real patients in a clinical setting was energizing to say the least. The patients who come to see Dr. Westman are generally Type 2 diabetic for the most part, obese, and many are taking a long list of medications. I was given an opportunity to meet a few of these patients and tell them my story. Watching these people talk about their quality of life reminded me so much of myself and I just wanted to grab them by the hand to begin this low-carb journey in earnest.

Seeing how in such a short amount of time they are coming off their medications or greatly reducing them is affirmation that this way of eating is healthier than we've been told by those so-called health "experts." In fact, one patient was able to reduce his insulin by 2/3 in a span of a month after he started livin' la vida low-carb--saving him literally hundreds of dollars a month in medicine! INCREDIBLE!
The work Dr. Westman is doing at the Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic is revolutionary! I'll be blogging more about the specifics of what he is doing with patients and take you through the process of how this internist is using what he has learned from the research community and practically applying it to the patients who need it the most. That'll be coming very soon. Also, we took some video footage during our visit and will recap our Durham visit in a YouTube video this week. Stay tuned!
A big THANK YOU to Dr. Westman, Adele, and everyone who came out to the events on both Sunday and Monday nights while we were in North Carolina. Your hospitality and genuine love for us was an experience we won't soon forget. God bless you for all you are doing to spread the message of livin' la vida low-carb in your neck of the woods and I wish you nothing but continued success in this journey to weight loss and improved health. We have the truth and we're living proof that low-carb WORKS!
Christine and I had so much fun visiting Durham and would love to do this kind of thing in other areas too. If you're interested in having us come visit your group, then drop me an e-mail at so we can work out the details. Now that I'm back home again, it's time to get rolling on some blog posts and I've got so much backed up to share with you. So hold on to your hats everyone and keep on livin' la vida low-carb!
Labels: Adele Hite, Charles Washington, Durham, Eric Westman, Jimmy Moore, low-carb, Triangle Low-Carb Cooking, visit
thanks for the detailed post.
I felt like I was there (and I so miss Rio Churrascaria I wish I coulda been there as well).
That sounds like a great trip - fun, educational and a good chance to spread the word.
Is Dr. Westman the doctor you're consulting with about your own health concerns (re: the weight-lifting weight-gain)?
It would be great if there was a national registry of low-carb friendly/educated doctors out there.
Maybe one day ...
Be well,
Yes, Harry, it was great! Dr. Westman is indeed the doctor we went to see about my slight weight gain. I'll be blogging about the results of what he determines when we get the labs back and his analysis.
As for a national registry of low-carb docs, I asked him about that because this is something I've been trying to work on for a while. Unfortunately, it's hit or miss. I plan on interviewing Dr. Westman for my podcast show soon regarding the questions people should ask a doctor to see if they're up to snuff on livin' la vida low-carb.
THANKS again, Harry!
I loved reading this. I felt like I was there with you guys,, LOL... I hope to some day meet you guys at a gathering like this.
Jimmy, this was a great post. Isn't Duke University the home of the Rice Diet?? Have they changed their minds or is this under a different aspect of the University?
You are exactly right, Kay! And Dr. Westman actually took me to the "camp" for The Rice Diet to see what they have them eat. It was quite fascinating to say the least. No, he's not affiliated with The Rice Diet or even the Duke Diet & Fitness Center either. He's totally about low-carb as a means for health and weight management. It's cutting edge and I hope it catches on elsewhere.
Glad to have you back!
What a fun trip!
You and Christine have helped change me and my family's lives in a huge way!
I feel so supported by your blog to keep low carbing, and love all the inteviews and info.
I'm really glad you felt that you are truly helping people because you ARE!
Also, that Brazilian food looks great! :)
THANKS so much, Tara! Maybe we'll make it your way one of these days. I'd love to meet ya. :D
First off, great post. A real "low carb" preferred doctor. Didn't think there was one out there. I hope more are to come.
2ndly, I must ask, what exactly is the food in the photo of Christine at the table, something vertical???
Looking forward to more on Dr. Westman. I hope he was able to give you some insight about your recent gain. I'm sure you'll share more with us later.
THANKS Shari! Dr. Westman is pretty amazing and he has seen how a high-fat, low-carb diet is changing his patients. He's a believer because of the POSITIVE CHANGES he has seen. Yes, we need more docs like him, which I'll be blogging about soon. :)
That food that Christine is salivating over in that picture is a big slab of meat at the Brazilian steakhouse. I'm sure they have these in the Nashville area where you live, but a series of meats are brought out to your table and sliced off for your dining pleasure. It's a neat experience indeed...especially for low-carbers!
Regarding my visit to see Dr. Westman, yes I will be blogging about it when we find something conclusive. For now, I'm just being super strict with my diet to make sure nothing there is causing the gain. We'll figure it out...GREAT NEWS to come I'm sure.
THANKS for checking in, Shari!
Sounds like it was an incredible trip. I am so glad you are enjoying life to its fullest. Keep up the good work and the great posts. You are such an inspiration to me, and I know I can speak for others, as well. Thanks so much for all do for the low-carb lifestyle. Thank you, Tiffany Ludwig
THANKS Tiffany! :)
Thanks Jimmy,
The number one "Jimmy Moore Groupie!"
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