Monday, June 25, 2007

'Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show' Episode 63: Diet Doc Needs To Heed Her Own Advice

Bariatric physician Dr. Caroline Cederquist not very kind to low-carb

It has been my pleasure to present a series of captivating interviews with bariatric physicians on Thursdays over the past couple of months. Most of them have been at the very least respectful of the low-carb lifestyle as a healthy option for weight loss.

But in Episode 63 of "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore," I introduce you to a well-known bariatric physician named Dr. Caroline Cederquist who describes the Atkins diet in this column as "dangerously unhealthy." Oh really?!

We'll see about that. LISTEN NOW:

icon for podpress  "The Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore" Episode 63 [15:29m]: Play in Popup | Download

It's funny how these self-proclaimed health experts like Dr. Cederquist like to talk the talk, but never walk the walk of their own advice. She and others CLAIM they are in favor of helping people "individualize" their diet to their specific needs, but then they discourage people from even trying low-carb living which is being proven more and more by research like this to be a healthy lifestyle change for the obese. I guess she is all for custom diets as long as they are of the high-carb, low-fat, low-calorie, portion-controlled variety.

Get your low-carb groove on with this podcast show by:

1. Listening at the official web site
2. Going to iTunes
3. Calling (818) 688-2763 to listen via Podlinez
4. Subscribing to the RSS feed

Is it just me or does this Dr. Cederquist smack of just a tinge of hypocrisy promoting the idea of finding what works for you, but then needlessly frightening people about healthy low-carb plans like the Atkins diet? If livin' la vida low-carb is an equally effective plan of action as low-fat for weight loss and improved health, then why all the drama and scaremongering?

Talk about it at the podcast site and share your theories about why the Dr. Cederquists of the world feel so compelled to do this sort of thing.

Coming up on Thursday is my 8th and final interview from the American Society of Bariatric Physicians obesity conference I attended in Nashville, TN last month. You'll get to hear from Dr. Scott Rigden discuss his idea of a "caveman diet" for treating people who are obese. I'm sure you will enjoy it!

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